Today features four funky diverse selections culled from some recent purchases...

The kings of hip hop team up for a slick and sophisticated groove with a dreamy, catchy chorus - the kind of tune Michael Jackson used to pull off with ease back in the day.

People seem so divided in their opinions about the latest LP from the Swedish techno duo that I knew I needed to hear it for myself. I am happy to say that I like it alot, even the wacky vocals that seem to put most folks off. It is occasionally experimental yet always very melodic in a cold, hard, European way. This title track is slamming - I am entranced by it's arpeggios.

Two songs in one week! I am so enthralled with this new Scritti album that I must share some more of it. This is a sweetly syncopated shuffle that has blissfully multitracked vocals. Have I told you how much I like this album?

My kids have been spending this summer getting to know The Beatles because, as it turns out, they love everything that they hear by the band. It has been almost impossible to pry the CD One from the player in the house or the car. In my attempt to broaden their horizons further I picked up a couple of reissues of some of the Beatles solo stuff, including Lennon & Ono's Double Fantasy. This Yoko tune is one of the bonus tracks on the reissue, and is of course a legendary slice of avant garde disco with some glorious wacked out vocalizing, a funky ass bass line, and killer percussion.