Ah, the good old days. Future Sound Of London had a good run during the '90s, creating mesmerizing, ambient electronica. They let their experimental side rule, and often the results were smoking, although it could get a bit pretentious. They went from their early days of straight up electro house to crazy, noise filled ambience mixed with fat breakbeats. Then they decided to go off of their rockers and become a hippy prog rock band. For me the magic was gone. These are some of my fave FSOL moments.
Papua New Guinea (Original 12" Version) (from the Papua New Guinea CD single issued in 1996). An absloute classic dance tune.
The Far Out Son Of Lung And The Ramblings Of A Madman (from 1995's ISDN).
Snake Hips (from 1995's ISDN)
We Have Explosive (Radio Edit) (from 1997's We Have Explosive CD single). Crushingly huge.