Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunday Stew

Today is clearing out the inbox day - you get to try some of the goodies that got sent to me via e-mail over the last few weeks...

Chris Chinchilla used to be the guitarist slash songwriter for fab Brit rock hipsters Art Brut. He has since left the band and (ahem) formed a band of his own called Macaca Mulatta with some blokes from from former punk band Rhesus. The band have been doing shows, including opening for The Rakes, and they have a bunch of demo recordings up to check out - not too far removed from his old band, just a bit more lo-fi. I look forward to hearing more of what these guys can come up with.

Dancing On A Weeknight
Welcome To The Real World

Steven Bloodbath is part of Philly party crew the Town Jewelrz. He is a mixtape master whose latest joint, Bloodbath And Beyond is a fabulous mix that ranges from Royksopp to hip hop with stops along the way at new wave and some seriously cheesed out '80s stuff. Guaranteed to entertain - check out some of his other mixes at the Town Jewelrz myspace page - click the link above.

From the forthcoming LP Impeccable Blahs by Say Hi To Your Mom, enjoy the first single Blah Blah Blah

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