The wife and I don't see as many movies as we used to. The arrival of kids changed everything. Time became limited, baby sitting options aren't always available, blah blah blah. Anyway, I've been lucky to see a few good movies over the last month or two, both at the theatre and on DVD. Movie soundtracks can be hit or miss. The big blockbusters tend to be all bombast and corporate rock, as bloated as the movies they accompany. The soundtracks to
Children Of Men and
Stranger Than Fiction fall into a different category, where the songs fit their visual counterparts well and are even an integral part of the story. A good soundtrack makes a movie thrilling, and these three all fit that description.
King Crimson - The Court Of The Crimson King (Edit)
Jarvis Cocker - Running The WorldA fantastic film about a bleak not-so-distant future. The use of King Crimson really made an impression on me, lending it's scene the opulence it needed in that reserved, British way. The Jarvis song has had it's title amended to drop the prominently repeated
"C" word and is not work/children safe. That having been said, it's a pretty dead on description of how things are, both in the movie and reality.
Wreckless Eric - Whole Wide World
The Jam - That's Entertainment (Demo Version)Will Ferrell stars in this delightfully romantic comedy. It has some pivotal moments soundtracked by Spoon's Britt Daniel and Brian Reitzell, some classic British oldies, and a few cool odds and ends. The Wreckless Eric song is a shining moment where love comes to fruition, and the sweet demo take of the Jam classic is also very effectively used. A sweet film with a great supporting cast.
David Holmes - The Nose
David Holmes - Snake Eyes
Puccio Roelens - CaravanHaven't seen this movie yet, but I always buy the soundtrack because I LOVE David Holmes' music for Soderbergh's movies. These records are always swanky and jazzy, and the selection of other artists included is always spot on. Holmes is coming on all Mancini-like here, and Roelens' swingin' take of
Caravan is great. I'll see the movie someday...