Thursday, September 16, 2004

Beatboxin' With The Super Furry Animals

The SFA remix album Phantom Phorce got it's US release this week. It's filled with some great mixes and a few duff ones. There are some naff commentary tracks bewtween every song (also on the DVD) which seriously intrude on the flow of the music, so be prepared to program your disc player to edit them out. Human beat boxer Killa Kela has done a smashing job of funking up Golden Retriever - it's gone from a straight up rocker to a mid tempo hip-hopper. The beats are super tight and there are some cool vocals effects too. I love the Furries - they are unafraid to experiment, and quite often the results are brilliant.


GSB said...

kudos! nice cut...

howard said...

I've always had a soft spot for the furries - mwng is fantastic - haven't got a clue what they're singing abuot, but it really is one of their most cohesive albums - must go and get the phantom phorce remixes now though - cheers.

Michael said...

You're right - Mwng is fantastic. I think I'd pick Guerilla as my personal fave. The remix set is great - the music is pretty interesting. Shame about the spoken interludes between every song though...